All commissions are tax-deductible under IRS code 501(c)3.
Act 2 Finale: Here and Now
Act 2 Finale: Here and Now
OC fan tutte sings an optimistic, pluralistic message of emotional and intellectual humility.
Given the pluralistic tone of the piece, we’ve opened the finale up to a Commissioning Collective. All those who give $250 towards the production of OC fan tutte will receive:
one-year Digital Membership with Salastina
2 free tickets to the premiere performance
access for 2 to the VIP reception on June 3rd
complimentary valet parking at the Athenaeum for the June 3rd performance
recognition in the show’s program book
recognition on Salastina’s website
Below is the original aria, Fortunato l’uom che prende.
Your commission of this aria is tax-deductible under IRS code 501(c)3.